Get The Breast Size & Shape You Desire With Breast Reduction Surgery
- Starting at Only $250/Month
Get The Breast Size & Shape You Desire With Breast Reduction Surgery
- Starting at Only $250/Month
Time off
on back
Recommended for
1-2 weeks
Bras &
Sports bra worn
for 8 weeks
Breast Reduction surgery procedure aims to help you:
- Relieve your chronic back, neck and shoulder pain
- Lessen skin irritation under the breasts
- Achieve your desired breast size, shape and look
- Move more comfortably
- Fit into smaller clothing and bras
For You?
You Are A Suitable Candidate If:
- You are physically healthy and your breasts are fully developed
- You have realistic expectations
- You are bothered by the feeling that your breasts are too large
- Your breasts limit your physical activity and exercise
- You experience back, neck and shoulder pain caused by the weight of your breasts
- You have regular indentations from bra straps that support heavy, pendulous breasts
- You have skin irritation beneath the breast crease
- Your breasts hang low and have stretched skin
- Your nipples rest below the breast crease when your breasts are unsupported
- You have enlarged areolas caused by stretched skin
- Remember that the shape and size of your breasts before surgery will influence the surgical procedure and the outcome.
Wondering if Breast Reduction is Right For You? Find out Today.
No Interest if Paid in Full within the 6,12,18 or 24 months Promotional Period*
We offer competitive plastic surgery finance plans. Our team is happy to go through the options.
The table below illustrates some examples.
* No interest will be charged on the promo purchase if you pay it off, in full, within the promo period. If you do not, interest will be charged on the promo purchase from the purchase date. The required minimum monthly payments may or may not pay off the promo purchase before the end of the promo period, depending on purchase amount, promo length and payment allocation. Regular account terms apply to non-promo purchases and, after promo period ends, to the promo balance. For new accounts: Purchase APR (interest rate) is 26.99%; Subject to credit approval.
At Bougainvillea Clinique you will benefit from the most comprehensive and advanced medical cosmetic products and treatment methods in terms of quality, efficacy and safety.
Dedicated and
Caring Team
Pricing Packages
State of the
Art Facility
At Bougainvillea Clinique, we use a combination of advanced dermatological and laser technologies for precision and accuracy, ensuring the best results possible.
Meet Dr. Walt Sweeney
Dr. Walt Sweeney is a plastic surgeon offering exceptional results for his patients. With attention to detail and an artistic eye, Dr. Sweeney provides outcomes to restore and enhance the breast, body, and face. Utilizing his meticulous skill, he works with his patients to understand their aesthetic goals before creating a customized procedure plan. Dr. Sweeney’s goal is to help patients to look and feel their best through innovative procedure options and advanced surgical techniques.
All surgeries carry the risk of complications. However, breast reduction surgery itself is typically very safe.
The most common breast reduction complications are infections, loss of nipple sensation and breast reduction scars. Most patients have a lollipop-shaped scar that circles the nipple and includes a straight line down to the crease under the breast, or an anchor-shaped scar along the fold under the breast. The scar will be red at first but will fade over the next year.
We welcome questions during any part of the process, but it's especially important to come to your breast reduction consultation with a list of questions, concerns or anything you'd like to learn more about. Here are some to get you started:
- What are your plastic surgeon’s credentials?
- Is breast reduction right for me?
- How can it improve my quality of life?
- What surgical technique do you recommend?
- What are the risks involved with this procedure?
- What will recovery be like?
- What will my breasts look like over time?
Yes. Placement of the implant below the breast tissue, as in subglandular placement, does not affect the ability of the breast to produce milk. Similarly, submuscular placement, or implant placement below one of the chest muscles preserves proper breast functioning. With the peri-areolar incision, an increased risk of breast-feeding problems may exist. In one study, 7/8 patients reported problems with breast-feeding following peri-areolar breast augmentation surgery. For women who choose the infra-mammary or trans-axillary incision, (incisions under the breast and through the armpit), breastfeeding is usually not a problem. Be sure to discuss your breast feeding needs with your surgeon during your consultation.
Sometimes additional surgeries may be required for augmentation patients. To reach optimal symmetry, you may desire follow up breast lifts or other supporting procedures. Additional surgeries may be needed if you face any complications during your augmentation, like implant rupture or capsular contracture. In addition, implanted breasts will age just like any other body part and in the future some woman choose to have additional operations to correct the results of gravity and aging. During your consultation, you and your surgeon should discuss the possibility of additional procedures after breast augmentation.
Winter Park
- 4355 Bear Gully Road, Winter Park, FL 32792
- 407-678-3116
Winter Haven
- 1121 1st Street S, Winter Haven, FL 33880
- 863-223-3797
- 572 Ocoee Commerce Pkw, Ocoee, FL 34761
- 877-817-8346
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